Take The Bootcamp Survey

Happy hump day (Wednesday is called Hump Day because its in the middle – “hump” of the week). In America, we know what that is, but I know I have to explain it in Asia, so there you go – now you know what hump day is.

So you didn’t take our offer for the bootcamp – it is ok – we will still be friends! 😉

The way I like to do things is listen and learn what people want. As this is our first bootcamp, gathering all the ideas and feedback from you is imperative.

I have been getting a lot of email responses – as well as Wechat messages (if you’d like to join our Wechat groups reply and we can send you the info) – and I have a Google doc of that amazing feedback.

Some is critical, and it is that tough love feedback from friends and the community that have helped shape what we have built so far.

Here is some of the feedback:

* The program is too general, maybe make it more specific to a type of category (Facebook marketing, PPC, Seller Central Optimization)

* A 3 Day weekend would be better, every month.

* I just want to pick 1 day out of the 7, can I do that?

* I don’t want to network with beginners – is this beginners?

* “I’m smart enough already” I just want to network and mastermind.

* I’m not interested in Amazon, I sell on my website

* The price is too high.

So – some of you may have your feedback on why you didn’t buy. Maybe you’re too shy to tell me in an email.

Therefore – we have this survey – and you can select to not share your name – so it will be anonymous. 

Heck, you can say anything there – even in general for Global From Asia and what we are doing here.

So – what do you say?

Ready to tell us

Here’s that survey, I am expecting some critical feedback and would love to hear it.

Take the survey now

If you do provide your email in the survey, I or someone on the team may reach out to you. And hey, maybe we’ll give you a swag item or something too (got a bunch of goodies in storage in Shenzhen – well my friend Dave’s apartment to be frank!)

Enjoy the rest of your week.


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